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Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 6, 2015

[VCRACKSOFT]Install and crack Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System v10.0.9 Premium x64 build 13/05/2015

'Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System ' - Mô phỏng mô hình Nước ngầm.

    "GMS is the most intuitive and capable software platform used to create groundwater and subsurface simulations in a 3D environment."

3D visualization
optimized for performance

     GMS is the most advanced software system available for performing groundwater simulations in a three-dimensional environment.
  • Interact with models in true 3D
  • Optimized OpenGL graphics for improved hardware rendering
  • Create photo-realistic renderings
  • Generate animations for PowerPoint or web presentations
  • Drape images over the model and control the opacity
  • Annotations – Add north arrows, scale bars, reference images, company logos, and more

Import a variety of data
formats & imagery

    Models require data from many different sources. That’s why GMS is built to easily import numerous file types:
  • Raster images including georeference and projection support
  • Topographical maps & elevation data
  • Borehole data including stratigraphy and geophysical data
  • Native MODFLOW files
  • MODFLOW files from Visual MODFLOW, Groundwater Vistas and PM Win
  • Web data services such as TerraServer
  • ArcGIS geodatabases and shapefiles
  • CAD files including .dwg, .dgn, and .dxf formats
  • Worldwide projection support including Cartesian and Geographic Systems
  • File Import wizard for delimited text files and spreadsheets

Advanced subsurface characterization

From cross-section editing to advanced probability statistics, GMS offers unparalleled subsurface modeling tools.
  •     Generate iso-surfaces from 3D data to visualize plumes
  •     Cut cross-sections anywhere through 3D data
  •     2D & 3D geostatistics – Kriging, IDW and Natural Neighbor
  •     Robust and fast algorithms to create solids from horizons
Link download:                    
Pass: vcracksoftware


      [VCRACKSOFT]Install and crack Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System v10.0.9 Premium x64 build 13/05/2015
      • Title : [VCRACKSOFT]Install and crack Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System v10.0.9 Premium x64 build 13/05/2015
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      • Date : 00:59
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